Paid Job Activity Opportunity
Did you know that employment workshops/day programs are required to pay your individual a fair compensation for work performed in creating sale items. Does your individual participate in a workshop without fair compensation, or any compensation and you're informed that compensation is paid in a different manner by your current provider? This action is illegal and is a form of exploitation. At A Chance Day Program, we offer a fair compensation workshop and employment academy where individuals can participate in gaining employment skills, and actually complete paid job tasks that are fairly compensated without the exploitation other day programs currently commit.
In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, we have suspended our in person workshop activities. Fortunately we have been able to create the same opportunities as our workshop to be able to be completed at an in-home setting by individuals wanting to participate in an employment/workshop activity. Please contact us if you're individual would like to participate or would like to continue to participate in workshop activities.
Our in-home activities are the same as our workshop activities and are assigned based on an individuals want to complete specific employment activities at home.