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Licensed Full Service HCS and TxHmL Provider

Did you know as an HCS and TxHmL participant, you have the freedom of choice to pick and choose your Services Provider. You are not obligated or stuck with your current HCS & TxHmL provider. There are better providers providing quality services than the current provider you are currently enrolled with.


We understand you may feel reluctant to seek out or even transfer to a new provider and may even want to avoid the conflict of a transfer. We assure you, your LIDDA Services Coordinator makes every effort to liaison a fair and stress free transfer of services for you and your individual.


At A Chance Day Program, we are dedicated to being a top tier HCS and TxHmL Services Provider within our service contract areas. We offer freedom from billing and payment issues, freedom from threats to withhold your fair payments, open communication and availability to communicate with your direct workers and program directors.


We also offer fair worker compensation, and quality worker options.


We offer quality residential options, with live-in staff for continuity, in clean homes, free from stress, and full of independence opportunities, with direct care and supervision.

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